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National Diabetes Week 2016

This year, Diabetes Australia will be highlighting the tragedy of diabetes-related amputations as the main theme for the National Diabetes Week 2016.

Every year, more than 4,400 amputations are carried out as a result of diabetes. We need to do more to reduce the impact of diabetes. Diabetes Victoria's 2016 campaign for National Diabetes Weeks focuses on the message: "Diabetes won't stop me". The Diabetes Victoria team will be out and about across Victoria showcasing the good work they do throughout the week.

We would also like to raise awareness for this campaign and let our community know that Diabetes Australia will be launching their campaign outside Royal Melbourne Hospital on Sunday July 10.

And of-course, we would like to reduce the impact of amputation by encouraging those who are suffering from diabetes and amputations to practise mindfulness. In this setting, evidence based mindfulness practices will help them adapting to this change both physically and emotionally, including anxiety and pain, as well as helping them to enjoy life's pleasures more. Start with our free Resources here.

Diabetes won't stop you from living your life to the fullest, doing mindfulness and strengthening your mind!

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Version 2 site developed by Nan Yu from 2016 -2021

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